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All the progeny of these rams are run together to eliminate the environmental effect on the results.  With the sire's identity withheld, the progeny are visually classed and objectively measured; these results are combined to assess the performance of the different sires.


This year will see twenty two years of completed results.  Over the years, we have had some standout rams that have completed trials, include Jim, Stilts, Pioneer, Willy, Woody, Harvest and The Bale


We believe that using this trial program gives us the confidence and security to progress the genetic base of Stockman Stud to the next level.  By combining visual (subjective) and measured (objective) testing, we have identified the most productive and structurally sound sires to ensure that Stockman Stud will capitalise on genetic gains at the fastest possible rate, further increasing our clients' profitability.


Stockman Stud has always been focused on continually improving our selection process and breeding program. We have always used mid-side sampling as a significant tool in our selection process. Many years ago, we included fleece weight and body weight data in addition to this. Now, we have gone one step further by testing our ram's genetic potential to ensure that we are selecting the best possible sires.


Since 2002 we have been testing our top young rams against other high-ranking rams throughout Australia. The most effective and accurate way of doing this is to compare the progeny of these rams. Through AI and single sire mating, we can mate 7-9 young Stockman rams and up to three proven sires to a group of randomly selected ewes and record their progeny's results.

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